He was dressed in a black two-piece suit which he complimented with a matching bow tie. 他身穿一套黑色两件式礼服,佩戴着一条颜色搭配的领结。
Wolstencroft looked very smart in a brown plaid waistcoat with a gold satin bow tie at his neck. 他穿着一件棕色的格子呢西装背心,配上脖子上的一个金色缎带领结,这让他看起来特别聪明。
Look at your bow tie! And your evening jacket! 看看你的领结和晚礼服。
Another thing, you know who is going to tie bow tie? 另外还有一件事情,你知道谁要替我打蝴蝶结领结吗?
How do you tie your bow tie? 你怎么打领结的?
I remarked that the consul himself, in his impeccable cream suit and bow tie, had remained Italian. 我说道,穿着极为得体的米色西装、系着蝶形领结的领事本人,仍然保持着意大利人本色。
Except your bow tie is a little bit crooked. 除了你的领结有一点点歪。
I ran off spiral pasta, so I used bow tie style pasta, it is also good for this dish. 我没有螺旋形意面了,所以我用了蝴蝶领结型意面,它也很适合这道菜。
This inside-out version of Bow Tie Lacing is used by the British, Dutch, French and Brazilian armies ( and possibly others). 这里面出版本领结花边所使用的英国,荷兰,法国和巴西军队(和其他)。
You've got to know how to wear skinny jeans and a skinny jacket, and then put a bow tie with it. 你必须认真对待领结,你必须知道如何穿紧身牛仔裤和紧身夹克,然后用领结与之搭配。
At Christmas he found time to have a cup or two of holiday cheer and don his holly-shaped bow tie. ruffled bowtie blouse You're not going to wear a bow tie. 圣诞节时,他更会找时间喝上一、二杯庆祝节日的酒,并系上他那形如冬青枝叶的蝶形领结。
The one place you might see a bow tie in a professional environment is on an elderly, well-dressed partner; no one thinks this is out of place because it is associated with their old-school values. 在一个专业工作环境中,打领结的通常是上了年纪、衣着光鲜的合伙人,没人认为有何不妥,因为这与他们守旧的价值观相关。
A pair of black, beady eyes peeked out from their papery hiding place, then a yellow beak, a red bow tie, and orange feet. 包装纸里钻出一对圆鼓鼓的黑眼睛,然后是黄色的喙、色的蝴蝶结和桔黄色的脚。
Richardson believes the skinny bow tie works best as an updating tool for the already fashionable, rather than as an item in its own right: You can't just put it on with a suit. 理查森认为,瘦削的领结作为已经很时尚人士的升级工具效果最佳,而不是体现在其本身的功能上。
We can't get this bow tie tied. 我们打不好领结。
In the logo, Obama wears the identical apron and bow tie. 商标上的奥巴马身穿和肯德基爷爷一样的围裙,也系着领结。